Monday, November 25, 2013

Sometimes missionaries need second chances too.

October 22, 2013

Well, last week started off with interviews in Budapest. It was really great talking to President Smith. Kind of weird... we talked about how I am coming to the end of my mission and we kind of started prepping for that. Talked about getting me a new temple recommend and kind of talked about what the last two months of my mission might bring. As far as the mini transfer going, SIster Oberhansley and I are still together in Debrecen, and we love it. Naturally we are super happy together. Oh. The other day I put on a skirt and she said, I think that skirt has lived it's life... Which is true. It has lived it's life. So, I am throwing it out. And some tights. And shoes. Just a heads up, I might be pulling out some money to go shopping... But, at least I warned you, right?

This was at church on Sunday. This is us and super cute Anna. She is a member here, and I love her. So, there is a picture!

The weather has been super interesting here. Right now I am wearing a shirt and a cardigan. I can't decide if the cardigan is too much. Oh well, it goes well with my outfit, so I will leave it on. We were walking to a program after tracting when we got blessed with this gorgeous sight. Unfortunately, it wasn't a double rainbow, but it was really, really pretty. The opposite sky was orange and reminded me of a creamsicle. Oh, how I love creamsicles.

 We went tracting yesterday, and that was really nice. There were a lot of older people in the building and they were really nice. We normally start our "approach" with a little survey. We ask them about what books they read, if they are interested in english class, and then if they believe in God, life after death, purpose of life, importance of family, most important thing in this life, whatever. We just ask. But yesterday, it was a different experience. We would say, hi, we are missionaries and today we are performing a survey, and then they just started talking to us before we even asked them any questions. So, that was pretty cool. One guy was just like, come in, come in. So... we did! And then this lady inside was telling us how she met with the missionaries a couple of years ago and she always loved it, but now she can't read because her eyes are bad. It was actually a very inspired and good conversation. The guy that had us come in was in the military in the 60s and he is super put together, so we are hoping that some good stuff comes from this.

My eye keeps twitching, and it is really annoying. It has been happening for an entire week now. I heard if I eat bananas it will go away. We will see.

Well, I tried to see if I told you this story, but I guess I didn't. I promise I wrote it somewhere... maybe it was my journal?

Last transfer I was with Sister Magda, and we were out walking around and streeting. We walked by this really cute, normal looking girl, and I got too scared to talk to her (when I told a member here that she rolled her eyes and said, thanks... oops!) and then I was going to go back and talk to her and it was kind of awkward, but I ended up never going back to her. But, her face was just kind of there in my head. I knew that if I ever saw her again I was going to talk to her. I promised that. And, I really hoped that I would be able to find her again. Flash forward a couple weeks. Sister Oberhansley and I are working and it is raining and we had like, a half hour or an hour to go streeting, and she said how we should go because we would be blessed, and so i said, right on, and we went out. I don't even know how it happened, but we saw this same girl and her boyfriend in the great forest (the name of the closest park... there are a lot of trees there) and I was just like, finally! walked right up to her, asked her about happiness, and then asked if we could talk more about what we believe in. Her boyfriend wasn't interested, but she was. and still is! In our first program she told us about how she had thought she should start reading the bible more, and then she met us. And then we talked to her mom and she was like, yeah, i have been looking for more in my life, and i want to get answers to my questions. so she is open to it too! Havent met with the mom yet... but they are coming to church on sunday! cooool. Oh. and the really cool girl wants to be baptized before i go home. and she is a hair cutter/doer so i might color my hair red right before i go home just to remember how everyone here colors their hair funky red. but seriously!!! such an incredible miracle. I mean, not everyone gets a second chance like that. I mean, for me to be able to have found her again is such a miracle and I am so grateful that the Lord gave me that opportunity. Eternally grateful. 

Jelzotuz Atyám kegyelme
sok szeretettel,
Kennedy novér

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