So sorry, but I don't have much time right now. We came to Budapest for doctors appointments and got distracted with the big city, so we don't have much time to email. I got a ton of mail in the office today, and that was really exciting! Thanks to everyone that wrote me. I got Daniel and Leah's adorable Halloween card, my awesome moustache(!!!!) and note from Tom, and I got a letter from Ian and Elder Robbins, so it was a pretty good trip to the mission home.
Sister Kimball and I have had a rough time getting into things. It is so bizarre. We will have things planned and are all ready to go for the day, when we get a call where someone is coming to fix our apartment (our apartment has been super broken for awhile, so we are getting it all fixed up) and then our day is kind of thrown off. We have been trying to work our best and put in as much as we can. We experienced a ton of blessings on Sunday, and I really feel like I don't deserve it. Luckily, God loves me enough to be able to see all of them. Let me just run through my Sunday with you.
We woke up, got ready, went to church. We walked in and there was a couple there from Nottingham. Best part: they only speak English. Her dad is Hungarian, but moved to England, so they come back a couple of times a year and do family history work and go and talk to the family! We talked to them about the free family history site, because now their nonmember family is super excited about family history, and we told them we would love to meet with them. Gave them our number they said they would call. There was a random guy I had never seen before, so I went and talked to him. His sister is a member in Szeged, and he just moved to Kecskemét for awhile, and doesn't have any friends, so figured he would give church a try. Awesome! We spoke Hunglish together, and he should be able to meet with us later this week. Our investigator who is 87 years old and can't walk very well, got a ride, and came to church! One of the members brought him. He has always complained about leg pain and heart pain, but he told me, with a huge smile on his face, that his legs didn't hurt when he was at church! Such a great blessing. He saw immediately the blessing from being at church. It will be interesting to talk with him again and see what he thinks. All together we had six investigators at church, as well as five less active members. It was the most full I had ever seen the ward. During the testimonies I just kept feeling the spirit so strongly and I was so grateful that all of the people there could be experiencing it.
After church we went to a little town, Kiskunfélegyháza. Our landlady invited us out for dinner, and we had a couple of people we could visit out there, so we went for it. We took the bus, and talked to the bus driver about why we are in Hungary and we gave him a Book of Mormon card. He was really nice and made sure we got off at the right stop. We went to our landlady's home, and we had dinner and we talked a little about the Book of Mormon and left them a copy. Very amazing family. They are very well-to-do and had a massage chair we used for a little bit. It was the weirdest feeling thing ever. I loved it.
We then went out to visit a member that has been at a recovery hospice place, I couldn't really understand what was wrong with her, but I think she had a stroke last year and has some problems with that, and we talked to her. It was amazing. Sister Kimball and I had our lesson plan, but we didn't talk about a single thing we had wanted to. The spirit just took us somewhere else. She needed to feel loved, and I am so glad we got to go out to see her.
On our way to the train station we got a call from the unknown number. Who could it be? Oh. The bus driver! He wants a Book of Mormon and he wants to meet. So awesome.
The work in Kecskemét is going along beautifully. Please keep praying for me. I feel it, and I love it. God works miracles everyday, we just have to be open to noticing them. Best of luck with the election, still would love to see a picture of the campaign materials (mom...) and I hope everything is going well with the storm. People in Hungary pray for the people of New York. It is so incredible. They really care about America. That was just random, and I thought I would share.
Sister Kennedy
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