We had interviews with the mission president on Wednesday and we were able to talk to his wife while our companion was in their interview with the president. It was really nice, and they brought down mail. Mom. Your card was so funny... I laughed so hard. Sister Kimball also enjoyed it. Who knew they made cards written from cats?! I got two things from Grandma, one was a decoration, and the other was also a really nice card. So, thanks! My interview with President Smith was really great. We get along really well, and so that is a blessing. There are a lot of changes coming up in the next couple of months (9 new sisters in March!!) and so we talked about some of the changes and things that will come with that. He encouraged me to keep being obedient and working my hardest at learning the language. Exciting! And... I asked him a question I have had for months... and he said yes! So, I am going to buy a ukulele today. I am pretty excited for that! Still haven't found a tea set that isn't a brazillion dollars, so hopefully I can find somewhere to look today really quickly.
We went to the City Hall on Monday. Here are some pretty pictures. Cool. |
Where is Jordan Tolman going on a mission? I had no idea. Turns out I don't know much about the human world... Oh!! And Camille!! Thanks for your email. Give me your human address!! I love you soooo much. Save me a ski run... and we will go next year :) But you can't make fun of me... I will have missed a whole season... and I am not a pro ski instructor. I love you. Yeah!
Sorry I haven't talked about Misi at all... my bad! He is so great. He is 22 and dating a member in the ward here. He came to church a couple of times, and we met with him the week after I got here and have been meeting with him ever since. He loves the gospel and seriously has a testimony that it is true. His girlfriend had already covered the word of wisdom and law of chastity with him, so it was a really special situation. I want to learn Hungarian just so I can be friends with him and so we can chat all of the time. He is really awesome. He had his baptismal interview on Thursday and everything is going forward for next Saturday!!
We have visited the hospital a couple of times this transfer, and it is really interesting. The hospitals here are a lot different than in America. For instance, they have a lot of people in the same room, and they are really dark, and I don't like them. I just don't like hospitals in general turns out... We've been in three different ones this transfer, and some are definitely better than others... but for some reason I just don't like them. Anyway, it is awesome to see the faith of the members in dealing with health challenges when they are in the hospital. I love this ward.
I am so grateful for December! It is so exciting to have everyone hustling and bustling getting ready for mikulás and karácsony. Mikulás is the holiday where Santa puts candy in boots for good kids, and sticks in the boots of bad kids, and Jesus brings gifts on karácsony, aka Christmas. Mikulás is December 6, so I am excited to put some sticks in my compaions shoes. We have started to decorate our apartment for the holiday, and have drawn a big Christmas tree and hung it up on the wall. We get to put an ornament on it everyday if we are good. Ha. I love it. There is no snow, and yesterday was the first real time I felt like I needed to bundle up and wear some leggings. Everything is so pretty here and they are decorating the town something real nice. Their Christmas village is more like vendors and lights and there is also a bumper car stand set up. Hope that I can get in on that action sometime! I love it.
I finally got my hands on a english copy of Elder Holland's talk from conference. Wow. That was a good one! No wonder people keep bringing it up. I think we all need to realize our own conversion to Christ and we need to strive on our own to develop that relationship. And then, we need share what we have learned with everyone!! Yeah. Missionary work. That is where it is at. "Every member... a missionary!" That was said by David O. McKay. Hopefully every member is doing their part. Invite an inactive, less active, or nonmember friend to the big Christmas pageant your ward is putting on. Invite their kids to get involved with the Primary. Do it.
I love missionary work and I am so happy to be on a mission. It is the best thing I have done thus far in my life and I encourage anyone with the desire to serve to organize their life and go. No matter how old you are. Do it. Yeah. Missions.
Sok szeretettel,
Kennedy nővér
Ó! És csak szeretnék mondani pici magyarul mert, lehet beszelhetem a nyelv most. Hát... ez az. Tényleg, szeretem a magyar nyelv. Tudom, hogy a misszionáriusi munka a legfontosabb dolog csináljam most ebben életemben. Tudom, hogy Jézus Krisztus szenvedett a bűniemert és az engesztelés által kaphatunk sok vigaszt.
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